Season 1 #19 – A Better Way to McConaughey
Bill starts the show with a “trendy” greeting. Matthew McConaughey swings by and then gets put in a corral. Matt wants everyone to say “Thank you, no” before leaving the audition. Potassium gets its day. Philly shop lady swings around. Bill REALLY likes ecliptic longitude and apparently self-flagellation. The fellas pour one out for Tim Conway. The fellas agree to meet at the 19th hole. The gents, while wondering if Billy Crystal does a “Lenny Wilkins” around he house, decide they need him in a corral. Matt wants to give Vern Lundquist the business in an elevator. The PDB jingle gets some more appreciation. Bill is a split-creative-personality. Ricky finds Jimmy playing hoops this week. Jimmy Lingk has a nice set of gams. Bill regales us with a story of drug-dealing ballers, with an emphasis on his own basketball prowess. Matt is not amused. Ricky has all the basketball parlance one man can stand. Matt explains what a BBQ chicken alert is. Matt Woo-Woos, while Bill Poo-Poos. Matt doesn’t know where Ricky ends and he begins. Ricky is certain that everyone would want to know where he is. Matt hints at a spoiler, or does he?
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